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“Recipe or Shut the Fuck Up”: Women’s Writing, Fandom, and the Art of Food Blogging
I spend a lot of time on tumblr. That statement is either going to generate feelings of relatability or disgust, depending on who’s...

GIF It Good: Reaction GIFs (Part Five - The Final Installment)
[Be sure to check out part one, two, three, and four in this series!] Here we are, friends! The final leg of the race. Although, if this...

GIF It Good: Grab-Bag GIFs (Part Four!)
[Be sure to check out part one, two, and three in this series!] Now, before we finish this series off with GIFs primary function—as a...

InStockTrades: The Website of Your Dreams
Today I'm here to tell all you lovely readers about something that will clear your skin, water your crops, and all around brighten your...

GIF It Good: GIFs as Fics and Storytellers (Part Three!)
[Be sure to check out part one and two!] Groundhog Day much? Haven't we already been here before? Sure, the GIFs I talked about in our...

Beware! The Cute Robot Uprising Has Begun!
Last week I nearly spit out my drink when I spotted a tumblr post calling out all of humanity. We heard a few months back about how...

Gender Identity in Transformative Fandoms: Some Initial Results
I am currently immersed in the unique hell that is securing a PhD. Past the hurdle of candidacy; ploughing straight on towards the trauma...

GIF It Good: The Intersection of GIFs and Memes (Part Two!)
(Part One of this series on GIFs can be found here.) In my previous blog post I gave a basic run-down on GIFs, specifically how we use...

GIF It Good: Unpacking the Tumblr GIF (Part One!)
Recently I had a paper published on Harry Potter GIF-sets, examining some of the work that GIFs----particularly tumblr GIFs----do to...

To The Skeptical Student: Why Teachers Care About Attendance Policies
I decided that this should be my next post since I got into a brief conversation regarding attendance policies and was honestly surprised...
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