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I'm Not Kitten Around: Fighting Gendered Gaming With Furistas Cat Café
Anyone who frequents this blog with any semi-regularity (being real generous with my popularity here) will know that I’m a big fan of...

The New Hogwarts Mystery Challenge Is Like a Fantasy Group Project - Where You’re Doing All the Work
Let’s be honest for a moment. Would I really make a short blog post solely to complain about a free iPhone game that has no actual impact...

Hogwarts Mystery: For the Love of Grinding
What makes for excellent gameplay? Surely grinding isn’t at the top of the list. Who wants to spend their time doing a repetitive,...

Q&A Corner: Subnautica
(*Warning for language throughout) Back at it again with our nonsense. Nick returns for some truly ridiculous (yet entertaining?)...

Bioshock Infinite: The Not So Guiding Hands of Disability Diversity
{Beware, Traveler, spoilers for Bioshock: Infinite, a minor spoiler for the Preacher comic series, and violent images below} You know the...

Rank That Dad! Your Guide to the Superior, the Dreamiest, and the All Around Daddiest in Dream Daddy
Welcome to the unofficial and completely subjective ranking of Dream Daddy's dating options! I've wanted to do a ranking for a while now...

"Screw This!" In Which We Discuss How Game Mechanics Aren't As Intuitive As You Think
How many of us know how to play computer games? It's a more complicated question than you might expect. The timeline goes something like...

Will All the Real Gamers Please Stand Up?
I wish that I could travel back in time and tell my ten-year-old self—the one currently frustrated that Mom was playing World of Warcraft...

Three Productivity Games for the Stressed Out Student
Tis the season for stress and panicking. If your school is anything like mine then you're knee-deep in finals at the moment. And if...

Yep, It's 2017 and Games are Still Ableist AF
[Warning: this article discusses assisted suicide and ableist language] I've had the chance to talk a little bit about why I love Life is...
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