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How to Survive a Horror Movie: A Guide By Grace From Ready or Not
Step One: Ditch the Heels Does anyone remember when Claire in Jurassic World made the conscious decision to try and outrun a T-Rex in...

“The Girl in the Fireplace”: The Best and the Worst of Doctor Who
I’ve been immersed in a Doctor Who re-watch lately. Just the Nine and Ten eras. Why? Because I’ve become horribly disenchanted with...

Good Omens Isn't Queer Baiting. Here's Why
I tried to come up with a catchy title and obviously failed, though in my defense I think this conversation is important enough for the...

I'm Not Kitten Around: Fighting Gendered Gaming With Furistas Cat Café
Anyone who frequents this blog with any semi-regularity (being real generous with my popularity here) will know that I’m a big fan of...

Unpopular Opinion: I'm Really Not Crazy About Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
I've finally finished the first season and I'm still not crazy about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I say "finally" because good god did it take me...

Let's Talk About Sex - Elementary Edition
In the eighth episode of the sixth season of Elementary (titled “Sand Trap”), Sherlock returns home after a few months of doctor-imposed...

Gender Identity in Transformative Fandoms: Some Initial Results
I am currently immersed in the unique hell that is securing a PhD. Past the hurdle of candidacy; ploughing straight on towards the trauma...

Strong Women: Highlighting Doctor Strange's Zelma Stanton
A few days ago I was reading the forward of Meyer's Life and Death in which she lays out some of the reasons why she chose to do a gender...

For the Fans: The Sense8 Finale
Theoretically, the purpose of any blog post is to convey something. To explain to my (embarrassingly small) audience my opinions, to...

It Follows: Fueling Horror Through (Women's) Sexual Deviance
On a whim I decided that this summer would be the summer of bingeing horror films. I've got a gorgeous blanket to knit and god knows I'll...
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