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Fantastic Beasts and the Crimes Against Diversity
I meant to write this post up directly after seeing Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald weeks ago and, to be entirely frank, I...

The New Hogwarts Mystery Challenge Is Like a Fantasy Group Project - Where You’re Doing All the Work
Let’s be honest for a moment. Would I really make a short blog post solely to complain about a free iPhone game that has no actual impact...

Hogwarts Mystery: For the Love of Grinding
What makes for excellent gameplay? Surely grinding isn’t at the top of the list. Who wants to spend their time doing a repetitive,...

Bee My Valentine: Fandom Edition
It's nearly February 14th and you know what that means: it's time for Valentine's Day cards. No, I'm not talking about the Hallmark...

An Open Letter to J.K. Rowling: Make It Gay, You Coward
It's 2018 and every time Dumbledore tries to sneak out of the closet J.K. Rowling shoves him right back in. Look, the last two weeks have...

Depictions of Masculinity: Jacob "Cinnamon Roll" Kowalski
In our multimedia age video essays have grown in popularity and there are few channels I enjoy more than the Pop Culture Detective on...
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