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“The Girl in the Fireplace”: The Best and the Worst of Doctor Who
I’ve been immersed in a Doctor Who re-watch lately. Just the Nine and Ten eras. Why? Because I’ve become horribly disenchanted with...
I'm Not Kitten Around: Fighting Gendered Gaming With Furistas Cat Café
Anyone who frequents this blog with any semi-regularity (being real generous with my popularity here) will know that I’m a big fan of...
You Should Be Watching: Deep Space Nine
I would very much like to know who it was that first claimed Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is inferior to its predecessors. I would like to...
Tidying Up the Response to Marie Kondo
I tend to favor a branching structure of teaching. Conversations act a bit like building blocks: seemingly heading in new directions, but...
Fantastic Beasts and the Crimes Against Diversity
I meant to write this post up directly after seeing Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald weeks ago and, to be entirely frank, I...
The Addams Family Meets Martha Stewart: Taking a Bite Out of the Curious Creations of Christine McCo
As an avid fan and scholar of television, I take pride in the fact that I have a solid understanding of the medium. On the whole I’d say...
Unpopular Opinion: I'm Really Not Crazy About Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
I've finally finished the first season and I'm still not crazy about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I say "finally" because good god did it take me...
I’m the Newbie Watching Adventure Time… and It Feels Like a Fever Dream
Ice Kings whose hearts escape and attempt to marry other unwilling hearts. A lumpy purple space princess sporting a wonderfully distorted...
Hogwarts Mystery: For the Love of Grinding
What makes for excellent gameplay? Surely grinding isn’t at the top of the list. Who wants to spend their time doing a repetitive,...
For the Fans: The Sense8 Finale
Theoretically, the purpose of any blog post is to convey something. To explain to my (embarrassingly small) audience my opinions, to...
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